Sustainability as a fundamental principle

Sustainable operation means thinking and acting in our long-term interests, which is one of the fundamental principles that has made our company so successful since it was founded by Andreas Stihl in 1926. Then, as now, it applied to all areas – not only commercially, but also to environmental and social aspects. Essentially: Everything we do is according to a specific plan. A plan to facilitate steady organic growth, strengthen our competitive position, provide stability even during crises and create secure jobs – all without overlooking the needs of the environment and society.

Our climate strategy: Tangible measures and a major goal


In our climate strategy we have defined short-, medium- and long-term measures that determine what climate protection actions are taken throughout the company. Our goal: To no longer leave a CO₂ footprint as the STIHL Group, and achieve GHG-neutrality worldwide.

Stronger together –
everyone pulling together

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